The market evolves, and with it our services must necessarily evolve.
We are pleased to present to you our concrete expansion plan for the future, a solid strategic path that is based on a clear vision, competent leadership and an indomitable commitment to deliver sustainable and growing returns to investors.
This is the future plan we aim for, this is KeepBU in the future.
Transformation of KeepBu España SL into a joint stock company.

We will become a partner of an important software company capable of generating automatic income and supported by one of the largest brokers in the world.
By september 30th
By september 30th

We will become a partner of an important software company capable of generating automatic income and supported by one of the largest brokers in the world.
By october 30th

Strengthened by the experience in web and mobile research and development, a technological product (Web application and Android and iOS mobile application) will be placed on the market for the Hotellerie sector. We will therefore give the possibility, to hundreds of thousands of guests of the various hotel structures such as tourist villages, to get to know KeepBU and its BuCoin.
By october 30th

Strengthened by the experience in web and mobile research and development, a technological product (Web application and Android and iOS mobile application) will be placed on the market for the Hotellerie sector. We will therefore give the possibility, to hundreds of thousands of guests of the various hotel structures such as tourist villages, to get to know KeepBU and its BuCoin.
By july 31st

BuCoin listed on blockchain.
By july 31st

BuCoin listed on blockchain.
Listing of the company Keepbu España SA to sell our shares to investors from all over the world.